Hot Forming Stainless Steel

By Bill Carson  |  December 17, 2019

At Cutting Dynamics, we regularly look for ways to improve and enhance our offerings so our clients can get the best that an aerospace company can provide. With this in mind, we recently purchased a hot form press from Beckwood Corporation.

Read on to discover more about our hot forming press’s capabilities, all we can provide for stainless steel hot forming, and more.

Molten Metal Poured at Foundry

About Hot Forming

Hot forming can supply numerous benefits for companies, including:

  • Increasing accuracy by way of eliminating springback
  • Prevention of cracking (particularly when hot forming titanium)
  • Producing complex shapes that are formed more simply and with tighter radii
  • The process avoids the thinning of the material while forming

At its core, hot forming is a matched metal tool forming process that requires time, temperature, and pressure to successfully form materials. Materials that are suited for the hot forming process include:

  • Titanium
  • Certain grades of stainless steel
  • Inconel

The necessary temperature of the blank, the tool, and the pressure needed for forming the final product all depends on the material being used and the product being formed.

Why Is Hot Forming Stainless Steel Beneficial for Aerospace?

Hot forming stainless steel is used for aviation and aerospace companies because select components for aircraft commonly need to be made of stainless steel to provide the robustness and corrosion resistance required.

Some key steel parts that utilize steel include engine and exhaust components, landing gear components, and key superstructure joints. At Cutting Dynamics, our hot forming press is able to provide hot forming for stainless steel sheets to produce diverse components.

Utilize Our Hot Forming Stainless Steel Press Today!

Our hot forming press from Beckwood Corporation allows us to provide our customers with a variety of key benefits, including significantly reduced lead times (12 weeks) and a dedicated in-house team that can design and produce all the required tools and fixtures that you need.

We look forward to having the opportunity to discuss with you your needs and how hot formed stainless steel could benefit your products and operations. 

Want to Learn More?

Our team at Re:Build Cutting Dynamics wants to ensure that all your questions regarding Patriot missile systems, our product line, and beyond have been answered. With that in mind, feel free to contact us today with any questions you may have, as we look forward to assisting you.